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Glasgow’s history has been shaped by Battles, World Wide Trade and Heavy Industry to become the burgeoning city it is now. With a heritage that stretches for two thousand years it truly is an international city. Situated in the west of the country, Glasgow was well positioned for shipping to the West Indies and America. By the 18th century many merchants had acquired great wealth by importing sugar, rum and tobacco from these regions. Many of these enriched merchants built fabulous mansions in the city which make up a lot of its architecture. In the 19th century the influx of people looking for employment spawned the emergence of tenement accommodation. The poorest families were forced to live in 'single ended' homes with only one room which the entire family had to share. However the struggle for survival over the years had generated a common bond and kinship between the tenement dwellers. A great sense of community spirit, kindness and sharing dominated everyday life. Also the existence of vast deposits of coal and iron ore in the Glasgow area shaped the past few centuries of Glasgow's history. With the arrival of the Industrial Revolution, aided by technological advances designed by Clydeside inventors such as James Watt, heavy insudtry in the shape of Railway Locomotives and Shipbuilding flourished. Historic view of The ClydeLocomotives were exported throughout the world.
"Clyde-Built" became synonymous with quality and reliability. The launch of the three "Queens" luxury passenger liners was the pinnacle of Glasgow's shipbuilding achievement. Unfortunately, with the changing patterns and demands of industry meant that the Clyde no longer employed the vast numbers of people into the shipbuilding trades. But even now the proud "Clyde-Built" traditions are still visible amongst the workforces of BAE Systems (Govan) and BAE Systems (Scotstoun). 1990 saw the city selected as the European City of Culture and in 1999 Glasgow hosted the Festival of Architecture and Design. In the Present day the city invites tourists from the world over to come learn about and relive some of Glasgow’s rich history.